Compact Two Arm Caliper (see comment!)
Subject Area 1:
Logging & petrophysics
Weatherford Tool
The Compact Two Arm Caliper (MTC) tools are used to orient and/or eccentralise specific tool strings, in addition to producing logs of borehole diameter. They also provide powered eccentralisation in situations where conventional eccentralisers cannot be used (out-of-pipe logging, for example). The lateral force from an MTC exceeds that from the Compact PhotoDensity (MPD) caliper; a combination of MTC and MPD therefore forces the density shoe to run up the short axis of an oval hole. This axis is normally less rugose and closer to bit size, resulting in optimum density and Pe log responses. The consequential X-Y caliper logs also provide more accurate hole volume estimations. By removing one of the two caliper arms, the MTC may be used as a powered eccentraliser. Complex tool string geometries can be constructed using multiple MTCs. MTCs are also used in tool strings containing no other caliper measurement in order to provide hole size input for environmental corrections and hole volume calculations.
Applications and advantages:
• Density tool orientation
• Powered eccentralisation
• Hole size determination
• Hole volume calculations